Lifestyle,  Wellness

6 Simple Ways to Live a Less Stressful Life

If you read my post here, then you know I am a strong believer of living a less stressful life. Because creating new, healthier habits is the first start to living a less stressful life, I felt compelled to share 6 simple things you can do in order to live a less stressful life. I can’t guarantee that all of these will work for you. But I do know I have constantly had to work at them in order to create healthier habits.

In addition, if you are having trouble identifying signs of stress, a great article to read is The Warning Signs of Stress: How to Notice Yours. This is a great article that helps to identify warning signs of stress. Sadly, it’s so easy to skip out on creating healthier habits especially if you are currently in a serious rut. We are all different so pick and choose what works best for you and continue to add a healthy habit at a time. The list below is just a start. Continue to work on self-care and making it a part of your daily routine.

Here goes:

  1. Just Breathe. No, seriously, just breathe. Sometimes we can get so caught up on false or unrealistic expectations of self, that self doubt creeps in. We also worry about things we CANNOT control. First, look at the problem at hand and give yourself a realistic view of what you can and cannot do. Let go of people pleasing and saying YES to everything and everyone especially when it doesn’t feed your soul with goodness. If saying YES to something creates more stress and anxiety for you than not, more than likely it isn’t feeding your soul. Be real with yourself. With that in mind, get rid of self doubt. Self doubt is definitely a confidence killer. Don’t bite off more than you can chew but also don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t always meeting expectations. You might need to revisit whether or not you have realistic expectations. Finally, if it is out of your control, DO NOT worry about it!!! Plain and simple. Life will throw so many things your way. You have heard this a million times but “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Breathe.
  2. Be Gentle to Yourself. Take time out for yourself. Whether it’s taking time out to read your favorite book, getting a massage, having a Reiki session, meditating, taking yourself out to lunch or dinner, taking a cooking class, or just relaxing in your favorite chair catching up on your favorite Netflix shows, just do it! Sometimes your body is screaming for rest. Screaming for you to take better care of it. Feeling stressed is just a reminder that we need to slow down and rest. Ever get so stressed that your body shuts down, your skin breaks out, your hair falls out, or you feel extremely sluggish? I’ve been through all of these. And after all of that, I have learned that paying attention to and being gentle to your self is not a crime, it’s a requirement in order to live a full, healthy life.
  3. Get okay with doing less. Don’t feel guilty about doing less. When you are gentle to yourself, as mentioned in #2, it’s okay. You don’t have to be superwoman or superman all the time. Plain and simple.
  4. Exercise. Whenever I don’t exercise on a consistent basis I begin to feel extremely sluggish. Exercise can be something as simple as taking a 20 minute walk, doing yoga or pilates, taking a hike or even playing a sport at your local recreation center. Ultimately, it doesn’t have to cost you any money. Use the outdoors as your gym. If you aren’t an outdoorsy person, use apps (I use this one for yoga) or YouTube when you can. There are tons of options on YouTube.
  5. Declutter. Declutter your space. Make sure your home is free of unwanted junk. Having a clean and clear space can help you feel so much better. Ever finish cleaning your home and feel so much better about how nice and peaceful everything feels? When my home is organized, I’m less stressed. When I know my home is getting pretty junkie, I tend to get really stressed. Don’t be afraid to let go of clutter.
  6. Enjoy life. The one thing my mom always told me was that she wants me to enjoy life. At first, I didn’t get it but as I got older, I realized that one of my goals in life is to enjoy it because it goes by so fast. Soaking up life experiences is simply a treat. Life in itself can be really hard and stressful but you have to try and find joy through it all. Find something you are grateful for each morning as you wake and every night before you fall asleep. Keep a journal and jot down all the different things that you are grateful for as much as you can. Relish in all that life has to offer because you only get one life to do so.